----------------------------------------------Policy and More----------------------------------------
Right Steps, LLC therapeutic services offers payment plans, discounts, and sliding scale options. It is our policy that cost for services be paid at the time of invoice submission. Late fees may apply for late payment.Children within the BabyNet program may be exempt from all fees. If you wish, you may pay in full at any time. Payment can be made using Cash, check, money order or credit cards.
Therapy is scheduled immediately after the proper authorization has been received. Please understand, due to the increasing need of therapy services among children in the area, your child may be placed on our waiting list. If your child is placed on our waiting list. You will be notified by our office of an approxiate time for therapy initiation.
Also understand, after therapy has been initiated that two consecutive “no call, no show” can result in discharge from therapy services. Understand excessive cancellations can also result in discharge from therapy services. If you wish to cancel any therapy visits or services, you can contact your assigned therapist directly or their supervisor immediately at 803-661-5033.
It is possible to request make-up session. Understand that your child’s therapist may not have availability for a make-up session, and therapy will resume as scheduled for next therapy visit. If your child's therapist cancels therapy frequently, please contact Right Steps, LLC Administration directly at 803-661-5033 or 803-387-1460.
Hours of Operation
Standard Hours for Right Steps, LLC office are 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday thru Friday. You may contact your therapist directly when available.
Please understand that your child’s photograph/video may be taken during his/her participation at Right Steps, LLC and I give my authorization for Right Steps, LLC to display said photos in the classroom and on the Right Steps, LLC website. Also understand that I can request that your child’s photo not be displayed by emailing requests to “opt out” at (info@rightstepsworks.com) or written letter mailed to (2025 Ebenezer Rd, Suite H, Rock Hill, SC 29732).
Arrivals and Departures
Children participating in Right Steps special programs that are aside from therapy should arrive no later than 9:00 am in order to fully participate in the morning’s activities. Half day curriculum hours are 9am to 12:00 pm (children may arrive earlier). Please pick up morning half day children by 1:00 pm. Afternoon half day programs begin at 12:00 pm. Children participating in individual therapy sessions are to arrive at their scheduled time. Our office closes at 4:00 pm. Parents, you must always accompany your child into and out of the building, and check your child in and out each day (before exiting the building). Please list names of the individuals who are authorized to pick your child up on the Registration Form. If it is necessary for someone other than those listed on the form to pick your child up, please call or leave a written message at the front desk. Please notify us of any changes in address, phone numbers, or emergency contacts.
We utilize positive reinforcement and redirection as our primary means of discipline. Our goal is to refrain from the punitive as much as possible. “Thinking Time” is used for severe or repeated misbehavior (hitting, biting). Repeated misbehavior that results in frequent disruption will warrant a parent / child / teacher or therapist / administrator meeting. A behavior plan will be devised and implemented at this meeting. It is important for us all to work together for the well-being of the child. Continuous misbehavior and / or disruption may result in dismissal of the child from Right Steps, LLC special programs. We do not permit toy guns, war toys, or other toys of destruction.
If your child would like to celebrate their birthday at our facility, please notify the child’s teacher/therapist in advance. Cake and ice cream are difficult to serve; we suggest cupcakes or other foods easy to serve. Remember, refreshments made by your child would add a special meaning to his/her party.
Parent and Family Involvement
We are a family oriented company and encourage parent participation, suggestions and support. It is our desire that parents feel secure and comfortable with leaving their precious children at Right Steps. Parental help is appreciated during special occasions, field trips, or in the classroom, especially during special projects. Parents are also encouraged to sign up for the “Parent to Teacher” Organization to assist with “teaching” in their child’s classroom.
We work really hard to ensure that we are providing a quality service. Please understand that any foul language, unwarranted/unfavorable communication, violence, or threats towards our staff will result in immediate termination from our services.
Right Steps, LLC has an open door policy and encourages parents (and other relatives or guardians) to visit the facility during the day. Please check with administration. We invite parents to share any problems, concerns or suggestions with the staff. Conferences can be scheduled with the directors and/or the child’s teacher/therapist at the request of either the parents or the teacher/therapist. Developmental progress reports will be conducted for each child.
Parents are encouraged to schedule an appointment for a conference if they have any questions regarding their child’s progress. A weekly calendar is posted in each classroom showing the upcoming week’s activities. A copy will be sent home with your child. In addition, individual weekly home notes shall be provided. Please look for daily and weekly updates on the classroom white and bulletin boards.
Emergency Information
Each child must have on file a current Registration Form with home, work, and emergency contact telephone numbers and addresses. The emergency contacts are persons in the area who are authorized, by the parents, to care for the child in case of illness or emergency. Please be sure the person whose names you give are aware that they have been listed for this purpose. Please notify the directors of changes in address or work numbers so the Registration form can be updated.
Another important component of Right Steps, LLC is our excellent and highly trained staff. Members of our staff are CPR and First Aid certified. We take great care in selecting our staff, and provide them with ongoing training and opportunity to grow.
Inclement Weather
The following procedures are in place for inclement weather. We have adopted them to ensure our staff and families will stay safe in the event of a major winter storm or emergency. In the event of questionable weather and/or road conditions, PLEASE WATCH YOUR LOCAL NEWS FOR INFORMATION IN THE MORNING. We will always open at 8:00 am (unless we need to close – see below). However, we ask that you be patient and understanding if we are running late due to road conditions. Please realize that safety is our first concern. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Feild Trips and Special Programs
Field trips & special programs are an integral part of our experiential learning process. Notes will be posted or sent home, so please look on the bulletin boards and check cubbies so you can stay informed as to dates and times. Volunteers are welcome!
For the well-being of all children and teachers, please keep ill children at home. We are particular about hand washing before and after meals, toileting/diapering, outside play, and other activities. Our facility is cleaned weekly and we have a sanitizing service for our restrooms. We do quarterly deep cleaning and sanitizing also. If a child has any symptoms of illness, he or she will be isolated from other children. Parents are required to pick up the child within one hour. A child will be permitted to return to the facility the same day with a doctors’ note, or 24 hours after the symptoms have ceased. Children with a need for antibiotics must have medication for 24 hours before returning. Please call when your child is going to be absent, either due to illness or vacation. Also, notify Right Steps if your child has had possible exposure to a communicable disease (pink eye, measles, etc.). We are required to provide this information to the CDC. We will not provide medicines during camp hours. Please complete a Parent Medication Authorization Form at the front desk.
Right Steps, LLC provides morning (8:00 am) and afternoon snacks for children within our special program. Snack menus are posted monthly. Parents are also welcome to send special snacks to our facility. Children may choose something from their lunch during snack time provided it is unopened and has been stored properly with an ice pack. WE WILL NOT SERVE PREVIOUSLY SERVED OR IMPROPERLY STORED FOOD. Please check with your child’s teacher/therapist. Please place an ice pack in your child’s insulated lunch box to help keep foods fresh until lunch time. Please send a well-balanced meal and refrain from including sugary foods and candy. Soda is not allowed at our facility, but we do encourage juice, water, or milk.
Nut Free Under Three
We follow the Pediatric Associations recommendations in order to help prevent nut allergies. No nut products are allowed.
Supplies and Clothing
All Right Steps, LLC special program participants are required to have a labeled lunchbox/bookbags and a complete change of seasonal clothing in a labeled zip-lock bag (accidents and weather changes do occur). Diapers and wipes must also be provided if applicable. Many children need the security of a stuffed animal or blanket from home, therefore these types of “toys” will be allowed at camp. Please leave all other toys at home. The facility will make every effort to safeguard personal belongings brought by the child, but cannot be responsible for lost or broken items.
Right Steps, LLC will be closed in celebration of the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
**Two weeks written notification of a child’s withdrawal is required. Please use the appropriate form to ensure correct billing changes. Payment is required during this time period.